Friday 4 January 2013

My New Years' resolution is to help save young lives... what's yours?

Today we're handing the blog over to one of our lovely Fundraising Managers, Faye Wilson, who tells us all about what makes a great New Years' resolutions.......

Another Christmas and New Year over and it’s time to head back to work or school. We’re saying hello to friends and colleagues again for the first time in 2013 and probably being faced with the same set of questions….How was your Christmas? Did you have a good New Year? Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? 

Before listing the same old tired resolutions I thought I better do a quick Google search and have a look at some of the most popular ones around – yes, eat less and go to the gym more made it into the top 10, but far more often I saw resolutions like help others, learn something new, do something for charity; It seems that rather than resolving to give something up, we’re far more in favour of resolving to do something or take something on in 2013.

Whether you’re one of the people resolving to take something up this year or you’re one of the people planning to spend less time in front of the TV or on Facebook (yep they made the list of top resolutions as well!) then why not consider becoming a volunteer for The Children’s Air Ambulance.

Volunteering isn’t just a great way to support a charity or help others, it’s also a great way to learn something new and meet new people.
There are so many different ways to volunteer for The Children’s Air Ambulance that we’re bound to have a role to suit you – have you always wanted to improve your public speaking skills or do you have a group of friends that would be great at organising events? Whatever you want from your resolution this year then taking on a volunteering role can likely provide the answer.

So why not give us a ring (08454 130 999) or visit our website and have a chat to see how we can help you keep your New Years’ Resolution this year – then when you’re friend or colleague asks you "What’s your New Year’s Resolution" you can tell them that you’ve resolved to help save young lives, because ultimately that’s what volunteering for us will mean, and I bet you won’t find that resolution on many Google lists!


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