Friday 11 January 2013


If you fancy an easy read on your Friday lunch break, or you're looking for something to do this weekend, or you're just a fan of cake (and who isn't?!) then this is the blog post for you. Written by Jayne Machin (Clinical Services Administration Officer) this blog showcases some amazing creations and also has a tempting recipe for you to try... Enjoy!

I am lucky enough to work for an amazing charity but in my spare time I indulge in my other passion, cakes.
It all started five and a half years ago when I made a cake for my daughter’s birthday and I got bitten by the cake baking bug.

I completed a course at the local college to learn the basics and then a day course with the amazingly talented Debbie Brown.
This was followed by lots of tutorials (especially from the equally amazing Lorraine McKay), hours of practice and also a vast amount of money on books, tools and equipment.

Eventually my family decided they were putting on far too much weight eating my creations and my husband suggested setting up a website and selling the cakes so that I could indulge in my passion and other people could enjoy my hard work. I amazed myself by setting up my own website and I have since had many customers coming back for more cakes – so I must be doing something right!

I have made many varied cakes from the Titanic to cupcakes with frogs on, some turn out to be easier than you thought they would be, others just won’t do what you want them to and some are just simples…..

 I even made a cake for Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance for their ninth birthday. They loved it... but then they love anything edible!

It’s not just the look of the cake that is important - it’s the taste too. Generally people request sponge with jam and buttercream but I thought I would tell you my absolute favourite cake recipe which is delicious and lasts well -

Chocolate Mud Cake
220g Butter or margerine
220g Dark chocolate
160mls water
125g sr flour
125g plain flour
50g cocoa powder
1/2 tsp bicarb
480g caster sugar
4 eggs
35ml vegetable oil
110ml sour cream

1) Melt chocolate, butter, and water in a pan on a low heat.
2) Sift the dry ingredients together (flour, cocoa, bicarb) stir in sugar.
3) In a separate bowl whisk eggs, oil and sour cream together.
4) Pour egg mix and chocolate mix into the dry ingredients, mix well
5) Pour into cake tin and cook 160c 1hr 40mins for a 9" round

Once cooled cut in half and fill with chocolate buttercream but a word of warning for you... do not make this recipe if your New Years' resolution is diet as you will go back for another piece - and another!

If this has whet your appetite for cake, why not visit Jayne's website.

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